Back Pain
Pain of any kind is a sign something’s wrong. Some people silence the pain with drugs. But that would be like removing the battery to quiet a smoke detector!

Two Common Causes
The nerve-rich facet joints on the back side of each spinal bone are a common cause of back pain. The pain can be a sign that these interlocking “fingers” aren’t moving properly.
The discs between spinal bones can be involved, too. Trauma can cause the soft, pulpy material in the middle to bulge, putting pressure on nearby nerves.
Your Choices
Dr. Johnson has helped many people with safe and natural chiropractic care. Other choices include:
Ignore it (Spinal problems worsen.)
Bed rest (Prolongs the problem.)
Therapy (Stresses malfunctioning joints.)
Medicine (Covers up the problem.)
Surgery (Drastic. Risky. Ineffective.)
Chiropractic Works
Specific chiropractic adjustments can help the spine “right itself.” By restoring the way your spine works, nerve involvement is reduced, pain eases and the body can heal.