I often spend a good deal of time in each patient encounter talking about home care. Part of my reasoning for doing this is to empower my patients with some level of control over their body and the symptoms they experience. In addition I understand that there are things that are effected by quick changes (like the adjustment) and then there are things that only respond to slow sustained forces. When you put these two forms of healing together you can achieve much more than simply employing one or the other.
Regularly my patients find that the out of office recommendations I have made during their recovery are also the best tools for them to use in trying to prevent future occurrences and flare ups.
The purpose of this section of our site is to gradually highlight many of the simple tips and tricks that we give to our patients much like a dentist teaches his or her patients how to properly brush and floss. I hope that the information found here can help visitors to this site learn some simple things, that when made into habits can truly be a source of prevention when it comes to the musculo-skeletal system.
Dr. Johnson